How to Reduce Screen Time as a College Student

how to reduce screen time as a student in college

Many college students have this question in their mind – how to reduce screen time as a college student? Well, if you are among them, then you have come across the best article for the solutions to your problem. Read the full article and make sure to follow these tips. 

We always hear about less screen time for kids, but it is equally important for college students too. High screen time has adverse side effects on college students also. Sometimes, the problems caused by increased screen time cause drastic problems.

The main cause is that electronic devices emit a blue light which disrupts the sleep pattern. Due to disturbed sleep patterns, your attention and focus decrease too which eventually affects your studies. Therefore, to help you, we present – how to reduce screen time as a college student. 

1. During Meals

College students can’t digest food without looking at their phones. You should understand that it is mealtime; not screen time. Learn to enjoy your meal without watching reels. 

You might not want to eat food without screens especially when you are alone. But being alone is the best time to sit back, eat, relax, and reflect on your life. If you still want to multitask while eating food; you can read a novel or a newspaper. 

2. Explore Different Hobbies

Have you ever wondered – how your parents are multi-talented? Well, it is because they don’t have phones or TVs in that generation. So, they used to explore and practice different hobbies in their free time. 

You can opt for the same to enhance your skills. Try reading a novel, dancing, singing, arts and crafts, drama, etc. You can even go for a walk or cook something delicious for you. The world is full of hobbies; all you need is to explore them!

3. Don’t Watch Movies in Bed

Watching movies on a bed is the best weekend plan, right? So cozy and relaxing. But if you watch a movie on a couch or chair you might not watch it throughout the night.

Therefore, to avoid watching late-night movies, try to watch them on a chair instead of a bed. 

4. Switch off Your Phone

Switching your phone during studies is the best hack to avoid distractions from your phone. You can simply, switch off your phone at least once a day, to reduce your screen time. When your phone is switched off you can either study or do something creative. 

Switching off your phone is the best hack for the question – how to reduce screen time as a college student?

5. Pomodoro Method

The Pomodoro method is used for time management skills, which will maximize your productivity. Dividing your study time into focused work sessions and regular short breaks is the main idea behind this theory. Steps to follow the Pomodoro Method are as follows:

  1. Choose a task.
  2. Set your timer for 25 minutes.
  3. Put your distractions away till the 25 minutes are over.
  4. Take a 5-minute break.
  5. Start Again!

6. Practice Yoga and Spirituality

Instead of spending time on screens, opt for yoga and spirituality. Yoga, meditation, spirituality, and breath work helps your body to regenerate, reduce stress, increase concentration, and many more.

If you want to know about your body and about your character, start practicing yoga today. 

7. Workout

There is no need to explain the importance of workout to college students. Despite knowing the reasons, they skip their workout every day.

Always in your free time, choose workout rather than screens. The workout will boost your energy and will make you feel better. 

8. Set Limits on Your Phone

One of the best techniques for “how to reduce screen time as a college student” is to set limits on the phone. If you want a non-toxic relationship with your phone, set limits on your phone. Adjust the phone limits according to your needs. 

In conclusion, excess of everything is bad. We have answered your question – how to reduce screen time as a college student by providing 8 different ways. Make sure to follow these steps to maintain a healthy life. Also, try to focus on your studies instead of wasting your time and energy on screens. 

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