10-minute Activities to Reduce Screen Time: For Adults

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10-minute activities to reduce screen time for adults

The article provides 10-minute activities to reduce screen time for adults. If you think that you are indulging too much time in screens and want to change this habit, then this article will be helpful for you.

In today’s digital era, our dependency on screens has crossed the limits. Not only kids, but adults too have become slaves of their mobile phones. Whether it’s for work or leisure, excessive screen time can negatively affect our mental and physical well-being.

So, what can we do to minimize the usage of screens? You can’t stop your work, but you can stop your entertainment. But don’t worry, the phone is not the only entertainment we have. Therefore, we present you – 10-minute activities to reduce screen time for adults.

Remember that the overall target is to build a healthy relationship with screens and not spread hatred to them.

Go For a Walk

Instead of watching movies, reels, or web series on your screens go for a walk (specifically a nature walk). Spending time outdoors refreshes your mind and allows you to reflect on your life. It is best to take a brisk walk in a park or a nature reserve to immerse yourself in the sights and sounds of nature. This small walk offers numerous health benefits, including stress reduction and improved mood.

Try to walk on a grass with bare feet. This simple activity has a huge number of benefits mentioned in our Ayurveda. Some of its benefits are stress and anxiety reduction, maintaining blood pressure, and releasing dopamine. Best activity among – 10-minute activities to reduce screen time for adults.

Refer – https://www.amazon.in/Praise-Walking-science-walk-good-ebook/dp/B07HBRJ4PZ


Meditation is the best gift to give to your body every day. Even if you are meditating for 15 minutes every day, it will provide you with multiple benefits. It helps in maintaining hormonal balance, reducing stress, enhancing digestion, improving sleep, boosting immunity, increasing focus, supporting spiritual growth, and many more.

Therefore, set some time aside for practicing meditation every day. Find a quiet space, close your eyes, and then focus on your breath.


Cooking is an art in itself. If you cook your food by yourself, not only the food will taste good but it will be also prepared with proper hygiene and might be healthy too (depending on what you cook). You can cook multiple dishes in 10 minutes(10-minute activities to reduce screen time for adults). Cooking alone can be an engaging activity to replace screens. Cutting vegetables gives your mind time to rethink and refresh it.

Art & Craft

One of the best 10-minute activities to reduce screen time for adults is art. You can do free art, folk art, modern art or any kind of art which you like to do in your free time. Art reduces anxiety and stress levels. It increases your creativity, which can be beneficial for your work also.

If you are interested in crafts then you can make some good pieces for the decoration of your house. You can make soaps, candles, and resin art and start selling to others. It will be a good part-time business to generate extra income by following passion.

Clean House

Another good therapy suggested by many psychologists. Cleaning the house will distract you from any arguments or overthinking. It will also keep you physically fit. Lastly, it will save you money as there will be no need to hire a maid. A beneficial 10-minute activities to reduce screen time for adults


Knowledge is limitless, and to gain knowledge you should read as much as you can. Reading is another of the best 10-minute activities to reduce screen time for adults. It will help to develop your IQ and knowledge about the world.

If you are not interested in technical books, you can opt for novels and story books. By reading them, you can enhance your literature and imagination power.


Exercise is the best way to avoid screens by building up your body. You can go to the gym, do Zumba, cardio, or anything of your choice. You can even play some sport. It will keep your body physically and mentally fit. It will also improve your strength, stamina, muscle power, digestion problems, blood pressure, etc.

Solving Puzzles

In the market, these days puzzles for adults are also present. If you love problem-solving and do something joyful and analytical at the same time then you can solve puzzles. Solving puzzles improves our problem-solving skills and other mind skills. Also, once you start solving a puzzle, you will not want to give up.

With this, we end our article on 10-minute activities to reduce screen time for adults. By incorporating these 10-minute activities in your life, you can keep your mind and body healthy and will lead a productive life.

To read more articles, visit https://theknowledgetips.com/

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