10 Indoor Activities to Reduce Screen Time : Toddlers Edition

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the 10 indoor activities to reduce screen time for toddlers.

This article presents the 10 indoor activities to reduce screen time for toddlers. Don’t let your child become another slave of technology.

In today’s generation, toddlers get easily hooked on screens from televisions to smartphones. High screen time has many side effects, from obesity to lack of concentration. Therefore, reducing screen time for children becomes essential.

When children spend little time in front of their screens, they acquire valuable social skills. They also improve their communication skills by interacting with their peers and adults around them.

But we all agree that it is very difficult to watch your child from screens. Therefore, to help you, we present- 10 indoor activities to reduce screen time for toddlers.

DIYs Kits

Now, DIY kits are available on the market, and you can even collect DIY things at home. DIYs are exciting and relaxing activities enjoyed by both adults and kids. You can let your child perform age-related DIYs such as candle making, soap making, etc. DIY’s are the best among the 10 indoor activities to reduce screen time for toddlers.

If you want to buy DIY kits online, then check out

Mess-Free Art

Do you want to explore your child’s creativity? If yes, then mess-free art is the best 10 indoor activities to reduce screen time for toddlers. Set up an art corner in your home. Place non-toxic crayons, markers, and papers. Ask your child to draw something and explore their creativity without making a mess. If you want to generate a sensory experience, go for yogurt finger painting.

DIY Obstacle Course

Use your creativity and create a mini obstacle course by using pillows, cushions, books, and other household items in your home. Ask your toddler to crawl, jump, and climb through the obstacles. This will improve their motor skills and burn off energy. Kids enjoy obstacle activities a lot. These obstacle courses come under the top 10 indoor activities to reduce screen time for toddlers.


Do you remember the stories which your grandmother used to recite for you? Stories are a great way to communicate lessons. Bring an age-appropriate picture-story book for your child and recite it for them. Use actions, props, and different voices, to entertain them the most. Avoid playing stories for them on television or mobile phones as it will increase their screen time.

Listening to stories increases the imagination power of the child, and it will increase their vocabulary. It is among the most feasiable 10 indoor activities to reduce screen time for toddlers.


Many kids like puzzles, but many don’t as they might be difficult to solve for the first time. But try to generate interest in solving puzzles in your child as it will develop their curiosity, problem-solving skills, and analytical skills. Therefore, invest in large and colorful puzzles that are easy to handle for toddlers. Start with simple puzzles and gradually increase the difficulty as your child develops their problem-solving skills.

Sorting and Stacking

Sorting and stacking develop the motor skills and mental ability of the child. So, it becomes part of our list of the best 10 indoor activities to reduce screen time for toddlers.

Bring some big blocks and ask your child to stack them (you can even use stacking toys). For sorting, you can mix two different colored balls and then ask your child to sort them. They both are fun activities for your child.

Music and Dance Party

One of the most enjoyable among 10 indoor activities to reduce screen time for toddlers is music and dance party.

Music and dance parties are one of the favorite activities not only for toddlers but for adults too. Turn on the music and have a dance party with your toddler. Ask them to copy your steps and sing with you. You can even teach them simple instruments like drums, keyboards, etc. You can even call the neighboring toddlers and their parents to join your music and dance party to make your child more social.

Board Games

Your toddler might not understand board games but will love to join you, while you both are playing it. Once they will start to understand them, it will be great for their mind. Board Games stimulate areas of the brain that are responsible for creativity, patience, strategy, and memory.


Craft is another fun activity to increase creativity in your child. It gifts your child with a sense of achievement and freedom to experiment. You can start by teaching them origami, such as making puppets and playing with them. Another, fun and educational top 10 indoor activities to reduce screen time for toddlers.


Kids are obsessed with soil and dirt. It is a sarcastic statement, but many parents will agree with it. Well, gardening allows them to fulfill their wish of playing with soil.

Gardening is a great way to teach your children about plants, soil, water, etc. It is loved by kids as they get to play with soil. Therefore, it could be more addictive to them than screens.

Do you want to know the problems of Indian parenting that you shouldn’t follow to save the future of your toddler? Well, click here until it becomes too late.

With this, we end our article on the best 10 indoor activities to reduce screen time for toddlers. In conclusion, incorporating these activities into your toddler’s routine can reduce their screen time. It will also increase your bond with your child. Lastly, it will develop fine motor skills, analytical skills, creativity, and physical development, which screens failed to do.

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