Top 7 Spiritual Books to Read During Pregnancy

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Top 7 spiritual books to read during pregnancy.

Top 7 spiritual books to read during pregnancy for all our lovely mothers. Read, these books in your free time and create a positive environment. 

The gestation period is the most wonderful experience. Pregnancy makes you feel special, blessed, and excited. You are one step closer to the responsibilities of caring for, supporting, and the overall development of your baby as well as fostering a joyful and healthy environment for both you and your baby during pregnancy due to your excitement.

With all these excitements, pregnancy is full of mood swings. Being stressed during pregnancy can damage your child’s development. Therefore, to stay stress-free we have prepared a list of the top 7 spiritual books to read during pregnancy. 

Here is a list of the top 7 spiritual books to read during pregnancy: 


The Ramayana describes the great quality of Lord Ram. Every part of the Ramayana teaches various lessons of life. The Ramayana not only portrays the virtues of Lord Ram but also depicts the perfect bonds shared between a mother and her son, a husband and his wife, and many more.

Pregnant women are advised to read the Ramayana as it also has a positive impact on the development of the fetus.

Garbh Geeta

“Garbh Geeta,” from the Mahabharata, explains how babies grow inside their mom’s belly and why it’s vital for moms to feel calm and happy during pregnancy. In simple talks between Lord Krishna and King Yudhishthira, it share wisdom on positive thinking for moms.

This book is like a friend for moms-to-be, helping them feel relaxed and joyful, which is good for their baby’s growth. “Garbh Geeta” is one of the best spiritual books for moms-to-be, guiding them to nurture a healthy bond with their baby even before birth.

Bhagwat Geeta

It is said, “Every solution of life can be found in Bhagwat Geeta.” The book itself represents a good luck charm. Therefore, if you are facing any hard situation during your pregnancy read Bhagwat Geeta.

The book is about the different avatars of Lord Vishnu to destroy negativity in the universe. Read one segment of it daily and you will feel positive. As an expecting mother, your primary responsibility during pregnancy is to pass on the virtues and positive thoughts to your developing baby in the womb. This act holds immense importance and should be given due attention.

Bhagwat Geeta is an all-rounder book among the top 7 spiritual books to read during pregnancy. 

Shiv Puran 

If you worship Lord Shiva or listen to Shiv Puran during pregnancy, it is believed from ancient times that your baby will be protected in the womb. You will be blessed with a healthy and intelligent baby.

Shiv Puran encompasses tales of creation, cosmic cycles, and the significance of devotion to Shiva. The text elucidates the divine attributes of Shiva which provides spiritual insights for followers.

If you believe in Shiva, then this is the must-read top 7 spiritual books to read during pregnancy. 

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali is an ancient book that offers ways to bring inner peace, happiness, and spiritual growth.

The book is a foundational text on yoga philosophy, outlines a guide to inner peace and self-realization. Comprising concise aphorisms, it explores the nature of the mind, techniques for mental control, and the path to spiritual enlightenment through disciplined practice and self-awareness.

The Tao of Motherhood

The Tao of Motherhood draws its inspiration from Taoist philosophy to illuminate the profound wisdom inherent in motherhood. It is a helpful guide that explores the nurturing aspects of motherhood through timeless principles, offering practical insights and reflections on embracing the natural flow of life.

The book provides a gentle and empowering perspective on the journey of motherhood, emphasizing harmony, intuition, and the beauty of maternal instincts. 

The Alchemist

“The Alchemist” is a captivating novel by Paulo Coelho that follows Santiago, a young shepherd, on a transformative journey to discover his legend and fulfill his dreams. Set in a mystical desert, the story explores themes of destiny, self-discovery, and the pursuit of one’s passions. With its profound wisdom and allegorical narrative, the book has become a timeless and inspiring tale about the importance of listening to one’s heart and embracing the journey of life.

With this, we end our list of the top 7 spiritual books to read during pregnancy. If you want a happy and stress-free pregnancy, then read these books to divert your mind. Also, don’t forget only if you are happy, your child will be happy. 

Incorporating these spiritual books into the journey of pregnancy can provide expectant mothers with a deeper understanding of the transformative process they are undergoing. By embracing the wisdom within these pages, women can cultivate a sense of peace, mindfulness, and spiritual connection, laying a foundation for a harmonious transition into motherhood.

Also, check out our other lists of books 10 books your child should read before they are 10

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