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Tiger Parenting – What is it? Its Impacts on Children

Tiger Parenting - What is it? Its Impacts on Children

Tiger Parenting - What is it? Its Impacts on Children

The article talks about one of the strictest forms of parenting i.e., ”Tiger parenting: What is it? Its impacts on children”.

Imagine yourself standing in front of the tiger. Now, what will you do? You will get scared, run, or faint. And what if the tiger wants you to do something for him? You will follow it.

This is exactly, what tiger parenting is. Tiger parenting is a highly strict form of parenting, where parents decide the table and lifestyle of children that is non-negotiable. The approach will include limiting child socialization, vigorous study hours, and participation in high-status extracurricular activities along with corporal punishments and emotional threats.

Potential Risks of Tiger Parenting

Tiger parenting is done by parents to push them into academic excellence. Eventually, this form of parenting leads to mental illness, lack of trust, anxiety, and disrespect for a child’s privacy.  

According to critics, children grown with the tiger parenting method may experience self-esteem issues, fear of making mistakes, and even suicidal attempts.

The attempt at tiger parenting is pure but it leads to the opposite outcome. According to a study done in 2013, children brought up by this method were not likely to achieve academic success.

Variations of Tiger Parenting

If you find tiger parenting too strict and intense, there are variations, and you can even follow them. But remember that even these forms can be lethal for your children.

1) Overly Strict

The main focus is to endure hard work and sacrifice enjoyment for long-term success. All this means to sacrifice birthday parties, family functions, and other fun activities.

2) High Expectations

Most parents switch to tiger parenting due to their high expectations from their children. They feel if their children fail what will society say, how will they live, etc?

To fulfill these high expectations children become so dedicated throughout their childhood and lose all their fun and experiences.

3) Fear-Based Approach

For children, tiger parents are heartless. These parents shout, hit, dominate, belittle, etc., with their children. Therefore, they can’t talk back, start to hate them, become emotionally unstable, become more fearful, etc.

4) Lack of Autonomy

Tiger parents take full charge of their children’s life. All the decisions are made by parents. This makes child dependent on their parents, with no decision-making ability. Therefore, a child’s personality disintegrates.


Tiger Parenting Impacts on Children

How To Avoid Tiger Parenting

Being a parent, you must have endless responsibilities along with career politics. You must don’t want to give such lives to your child. Maybe you are doing tiger parenting for their better lives, but you should also observe how your children are feeling. No parent wants their child to become mentally sick. Therefore, here are some ways to avoid tiger parenting.

Spend Time with Your Children

Life is busy and stressful, you might can’t give full days to your kids but at least try to spend some time with them. Spending time with children must be your priority because, all you are doing is for them.

Let your Child Express Their Emotions

Instead of becoming tiger parents, become friendly parents. Let your child share everything with you. Many children feel lonely, and due to this, they take the wrong steps. So, if you don’t want to lose your child, make sure they share everything with you.

Understand Their Problems

Remember that they are your children; if you will not understand them, then who will? If your child tries to communicate their problems with you, listen and understand them. Don’t jump onto discipline in such situations.

Appreciate your Child

If your children have dedicated themselves towards something and have done something well, then you must appreciate them and gift them sometimes. This will not only boost their confidence but will also be a motivation.

This was all about tiger parenting. In conclusion, the type of parenting you want to adopt is completely your choice. But don’t make such mistakes which will destroy your children’s health.

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