How to Travel on a Student Budget? 8 Ways

How to Travel on a Student Budget?

Are you dreaming of becoming the Xuanzang of the modern era? If yes, then you must be wondering, “How is this possible on the student budget?”. Don’t forget that the word impossible spells possible, so how can not it be true? Therefore, we present how to travel on a student budget.

1) Be Flexible

How to travel on a student budget? The first thing you should be clear about is where you are going and when. Don’t keep things for the end moment. The earlier you will know, the better and cheaper accommodation you can get. Once you get answers for W’s, you can easily pre-book everything to save.

Secondly, try to avoid going on holiday seasons and prefer off-seasons. During the holiday season, the prices are almost 20-30% hike and sometimes even 90%.

Lastly, don’t be dependent on one platform. Try and check out different platforms and book the tickets from the cheapest one.

2) Transportation

You might understand that, how to travel on a student budget, the simple answer would be cost-cutting on transportation. Finding the right and the cheapest transport is important. If you want to travel to gain maximum adventurous experience and to get out of your comfort zone, you have to travel by local trains and buses. Public transport is not only cheap, but it also gives next-level adventure.

If you are finding direct flights more feasible for a particular place, then opt for them. You have to choose this by seeing the following parameters.

  • Rates
  • Duration of Journey
  • Will it drop you directly at the place or before it? If before, then at what distance?
  • Food provided throughout the journey
  • Air-conditioned or not
  • Crowded or not

Answer these questions in this sequence and choose the best one.

After reaching the destination, while going sightseeing try to go by a rental scooter or walk to save as much as you can.

3) Choosing the Right Accommodation

Another area for cost cutting, how to travel on a student budget, is accomodation. Choosing the right accommodation is the most important point on how to travel on a student budget. As you are a student travel, you should seek for hostels.

Hostels are the cheapest option. And they will help you in socializing too. If you are a solo traveler, you can make new friends in the hostel.

If you are booking a hotel room, make sure it is cheap and what you are getting at that price. Look for a room that provides at least a morning buffet and try to bargain for the price if possible.

You can check out, and for booking accommodation.

4) Pack only Required Stuff

If you are moving on a flight; you can easily cut off your ticket price by carrying carry-on bags. By this, you don’t have to pay for your luggage.

Therefore, pack only the required items and try to keep your bag light. Light bags will not only save your money but will also be easy to carry.

Don’t forget to add first aid, as you should be prepared for every emergency. Also, you can’t get all the medicines at every place. So make sure you are carrying the necessary medicines.

5) Look for Cheaper and healthier food items

How to travel on a student budget? It is necessary to eat healthily and cheaper food. Don’t eat fast food as it is not healthy and it won’t fill your stomach. Also, don’t eat in fancy 5-star restaurants. You can eat hygienic and healthy street food to cut costs on food items.

You can carry some home-made instant food items or instant noodles. So, even if you don’t get anything to eat you will still have some options because most people don’t like food of other ethnicities.

6) Don’t buy unnecessary items

Remember you are reading about how to travel on a student budget. This simply means you are a student and you don’t have much money. Hence, don’t do unnecessary shopping. In today’s fast-paced world everything is available everywhere, so don’t fall into the trap of fancy regional things whose prices have been hiked up to 80%-100% for the tourists.

If you are eager to buy something regional, buy it from a local market. At the local market, you can get the right price for the items.

7) Prioritize your Budget

Important point for how to travel on a student budget. Being a student, you must have a very limited budget and, you have to save for the future. So, prioritize your budget and, don’t put all your money into one trip.

Set your priorities and spend on them.

8) Avail Student Discounts

Most Governments and companies provide student discounts for many places, accommodations, etc. Therefore, don’t forget to carry your student iD-card and avail the student discounts.

Especially on the heritage sites you can easily avail of student discounts. This will help you to stay on your budget while traveling to multiple places.

These were some tips for how to travel on a student budget. If you follow them you can easily travel budget-friendly and might become a future traveller. You can’t learn everything on the first trip, but you will become a pro after a few.

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