10 Things Your Child Must Know Before Preschool

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10 Things your child must know before preschool

This article provides the top 10 things your child must know before preschool. If you are a parent or a future parent, this article will be very helpful for you.

Kindergarten readiness is a worry for all parents. Kindergarten is one of the significant milestones in a child’s life. Preschool begins a child’s formal education journey and introduces them to an environment filled with learning opportunities.

As a parent, you must ensure your child is well-prepared for this exciting adventure. Your child will learn almost everything in their preschool, but there are some basic things that they should know before preschool. Therefore, here we present 10 things your child must know before preschool.

Basic Social Skills

The most important among, top 10 things your child must know before preschool is; basic social skills. We all know that social skills are the key to success. In today’s generation, even adults fail in social skills. Therefore, it will be better, if you teach these skills to your child from an early age.

Children should know or have some basic social skills. These basic skills include understanding how to share, take turns, and cooperate with others. If your child has siblings or cousins, engage them in activities with them or even friends. Engagement activities will help your child to develop mentioned skills naturally.

Toilet Trained

No school will allow your child into preschool if they are not toilet trained.

In preschool, children are aged between 2-3yrs, which is enough for them to be toilet trained.

They should be able to tell and use the restroom, wash their hands, etc.

Being toilet trained is the most important thing among, the 10 things your child must know before preschool.

Follow Simple Instructions

Before going to preschool, your child should listen, understand, and follow simple instructions. For example, your child should know the meaning of Standup, Sit Down, Don’t Talk, Lineup, etc.

Please help your child to practice such simple instructions, as it will prepare them to participate actively in classroom activities.

Language and Communication Skills

Effective communication is required in every aspect of life, even in preschool.

If you want your child to enjoy preschool, they should be able to communicate and interact maximally with teachers and classmates.

Encourage your child to express themselves verbally and use polite words such as “Thank You“, “Please” and “Sorry“.

Basic Knowledge

Basic knowledge will give good expression to teachers. It may even help your child stand out from others.

Teach your child 1-10 counting, colors, fruits, and vegetable names, etc. It is an advantagenous point for, top 10 things your child must know before preschool.

All these things are taught in preschool, but it will be better if your child knows them before.

Fine Motor Skills

Before preschool, it’s better to put in extra effort to develop your child’s motor skills. You can give your child some cutting work or drawing work.

Puzzles are also a great source to develop the motor skills in your child.

Rest activities to develop fine motor skills before preschool are coloring, crafting, building blocks, etc.


Sharing is a moral value that every kid should have. Parents should teach their children to share toys and stationery with other kids. It is also among, top 10 things your child must know before preschool.

They can teach them the concept of sharing by playing board games with them so that children become familiar with taking turns.

Also, whenever your child eats some snacks, you can ask them to give you some.

Understanding Routines

In the beginning, your child will show many tantrums due to changes in the routine. Hence, here comes the importance of understanding routines in the 10 things your child must know before preschool.

Before the beginning of preschool, prepare your child by establishing consistent routines at home for activities like mealtime, bedtime, and playtime.

It will help to make the transition to preschool smoother.

Respecting Authority

Preschool will teach your child to be respectful, grateful, punctual, etc. But still, it’s the job of parents to teach these basic morals before preschool. Therefore, respecting authority becomes top 10 things your child must know before preschool.

Teach your child about respecting others by modeling polite behavior and reinforcing positive interactions with adults.


Sounds are a very simple thing that children start to identify even before they start to speak.

Teach your child the basic sounds of animals, rain, wind, etc. This will help him in preschool and will make a good impression on the teachers.

You can visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCvzPBUPZ9w for reference.

These were the 10 things your child must know before preschool. By ensuring that your child is equipped with these 10 essential things, you can help them to set up for a successful and joyful learning experience.

Remember to provide plenty of encouragement, support, and opportunities for practice as they embark on this exciting journey of growth and discovery.

To read more articles on parenting visit https://theknowledgetips.com/category/parental/

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