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7 Life Skills to Teach your Child before age 10

7 life skills to teach your child before age 10.

In this article, we present 7 life skills to teach your child before age 10. These life skills are very important in this dynamically changing world. 

Are you a young parent right now? Do you have a child below the age of 10? If yes, then this article is made for you. 

Young children have more adaptable and capable minds. In the current era, many students are striving to excel academically, leading to a highly competitive environment in the education sector. Therefore, we forget to teach our children basic life skills. 

Our children are great at using technology at an early age. Then why shouldn’t we teach them basic life skills for their future? We have prepared a list of 7 life skills to teach your child before age 10. 

This list outlines 7 life skills to teach children before age 10 and describes the benefits of each skill.

Using The Web Wisely

Kids spend a lot of time on screens. Therefore, it becomes essential for parents to check the content type their child is consuming. Many famous apps like YouTube, Netflix, etc. have prepared their separate platform for kids. Allow your child to use only these kid’s platforms. 

If your child chats with someone, then allow them to chat only with known people, and don’t let them share personal things. Tell your child to ask for permission before downloading anything. 

Lastly, be friendly with your child. So that if in future they have some trouble they can seek your help. 

Preparing Meal

There are some simple meals that your child should learn. Learning simple meals will help the child in the case of an emergency. Also, engaging your child in cooking will develop more future interest in cooking. 

You can start by asking them to hand over eatables to you while you are cooking. Then, ask them to cut vegetables and fruits. Later, you can teach them to make sandwiches, instant noodles, bread toast, salads, smoothies, etc. 

By gradually enhancing their kitchen skills, children can learn to use the stovetop with adult supervision by the age of 10.

Doing Laundry

Always remember that in early childhood, you are preparing your child for the future. Therefore, these 7 life skills to teach your child before age 10 become essential. 

Too many teens head out to the hostels without knowing how to do laundry. You can begin teaching your child laundry by the age of 6. Tell them how to measure, how to use the machine, what kinds of clothes can be washed in the machine, etc.

As children adapt to technology faster; it becomes easier for them to learn different gadgets like washing machines. 


Gardening is a favorite activity for students. In many schools, gardening is taught. But make sure to teach this by yourself also. 

Teach the process of planting a seedling. Ask your child to dig a hole, add seedlings, add compost, give water, etc. 

It is a fun activity, especially in summer. Also, while doing gardening with your child you can teach them about plants, their importance, etc. 

First Aid

Once your child reaches the age of 7, you can teach them about the first aid kit. First, start by telling them the role of a first aid kit. Then you can tell them how to treat a wound. 

Tell them, to wash their wound with water first with soap to remove dirt, press the area with cotton, apply antiseptic cream, and cover it with a bandage or bandaid. 

After this, you can give basic knowledge about the medicines. Medicine for headache, stomachache, etc. along with the dosage. 

Money Budget

Ask your child to pay for groceries after they have learned simple maths. This will increase the speed of calculating and will also teach them the comparison of shopping. 

Give a small pocket money to your child. Teach them about savings. Allow spending little money on your child. By all these methods your child will know more about their surrounding rates, etc. 

Therefore, money budget becomes an essential part of our list of 7 life skills to teach your child before age 10. 

Grooming Themselves

Grooming is essential for everyone. Grooming reflects our overall personality. Give basic grooming lessons to your child. 

Teach them how to comb hairs. If you have a girl, teach her how to tie her hair. Tell, them to wear washed and ironed clothes and polished shoes. 

Teach them basic skin care, like applying moisturizer, sunscreen and oil. 

With this, we end our list of 7 life skills to teach your child before age 10. If want to learn about some child development skills, then read our Child Development: Teach these 10 habits to your child for a bright future 

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