10 Tips to Increase the IQ of Your Child

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Brain Cycle. 10 tips to increase the IQ of your child.

This article gives 10 tips to increase the IQ of your child. Read the full article to make the future of your child better. 

IQ development is an important process in the human cycle. We, all know in today’s generation, there is a lot of competition from studies to careers. Therefore, every parent wants their child to be best since early childhood. IQ, or Intelligence Quotient, is not solely determined by genetics. There are numerous ways parents can positively influence their child’s cognitive development. 

We present you with 10 tips to increase the IQ of your child. All these tips are scientifically proven. But first, let’s understand how the brain of a baby develops. 

How does the brain of a baby develop? 

Most of the parents want to know the details for, how the brain of a baby develops. It is also important for everyone, who wants to develop the IQ of their child. 

A baby’s brain develops like a roller coaster until the age of 4 years. The baby’s brain has reached 90% of its adult size when they reach 4 years. Therefore, this age between 0-4 years is the age of prime growth where your child can gain a lot. 

The brain development continues to take place after 4 years and throughout the childhood. Therefore, if you want your child to be the best, read these 10 tips to increase the IQ of your child. 

Music Lessons

Who doesn’t love music? Giving music lessons to your child increases the creative side of their brain. It plays a great role in cognitive development. 

Listening to classical music increases the concentration level of your child. All these benefits help to increase the IQ of your child. 

Read Together

Reading involves concentration, knowledge, and imagination. It is a fundamental activity that boosts cognitive abilities. 

Read different kinds of good books to your child daily. This will expose them to a variety of ideas, vocabulary, and concepts.

Engage in Problem-solving Activities

Encourage your child to solve puzzles, play strategy games, and engage in activities that require critical thinking. These activities help develop problem-solving skills, and logical reasoning, and enhance cognitive flexibility.

For this, you can ask them to solve puzzles, riddles, etc. All these things ultimately lead to an increment in IQ. 

Limit Screen Time

We all have become slaves to our phones. But don’t let your child become the same. Addiction to phones since early childhood is very harmful. 

Excessive screen time reduces the overall brain development of the child and negatively impacts the child’s cognitive development. Don’t completely avoid it but set a limited time. 

Teach them basics

In ancient India, children were first taught about manners, education, cooking, grooming, etc. Nowadays schools don’t teach such things in detail. As a parent, you must teach fundamental teachings of life to your child. 

Being disciplined is as much important as IQ. Also, teaching these things will eventually develop the IQ of your child. 

Avoid Parental Damage

As discussed in our last post parenting plays an important role. If you want a smarter baby, make sure you are doing your job of parenting well.

Emotional damage in early childhood can cause trauma and your child may be involved in things like drugs, alcohol, smoking, etc. This will decrease the IQ of your child. 

Talk to your Baby

You might have observed that these days kids start speaking late. As parents become busy and kids stay alone or parents give them phones always, they are not able to develop their speaking habits. 

Talking to your baby is essential. They will only learn to talk if you will talk to them. Kids learn to speak by their environment. If they are isolated their brain won’t learn to speak. 

Better Food

Recent studies clearly show the impact of diet on our brain development. Avoid giving contaminated, packaged, or junk food to your child. 

These foods contain high toxins which once enter our body affect our brain a lot. Therefore, due to this reason better food becomes a part of 10 tips to increase the IQ of your child.

Promote physical Exercise

Physical exercise is important from childhood to old age. It not only keeps us physically fit but it also keeps us mentally well. It plays a crucial role in brain development.

Encourage your child to engage in regular physical activities like sports, which can enhance memory, attention, and problem-solving skills.

Provide a Structured Routine

Establishing a consistent routine helps children feel secure and provides a structured environment for learning. Ensure they get enough sleep, as quality sleep is crucial for cognitive functioning and memory consolidation. 

Follow these 10 tips to increase the IQ of your child.

If you liked this post, Please check out our other post The Ultimate Guide: 20 Things to Do When Preparing for Fatherhood and also 10 Reasons to Avoid Giving Phones to Kids

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